This is a follow up question to one I asked earlier:How can religions be structured in ways that allow inter-faith councils to work?
So, these gods are basically artificial intelligences that are constantly running in the background of the world. It is similiar to how software is always operating on an Imac, working to keep everything running without our notice. These gods can be commmunicated with by taking certain steps, which human beings know as "magic rituals". In actuality, humans are simply communicating with the nano-machines in the air, which the gods are made up of. These nanites are known to humans as "mana", the energy of life. While they are too small to be seen, these nanites are everywhere and serve as the eyes and ears of the gods, allowing them to interact with the world.
When humans perform these specific rituals, the nanites come together to form a "daemon" of that god. The type of daemon formed would depend on the ritual being conducted, as there are multiple daemons tied to a god. These rituals are all different, dependent on certain materials, steps that must be taken, and other requirements. If the ritual is successfully completed, the creature would appear and fulfill the purpose it was made for by that god, such as impart knowledge to humans, help with a certain task, etc.
However, there are certain areas of the world that, due to certain events in the past, do not play by the rules of nature. These areas are known as hostile zones, for they are covered in "chaotic" mana. These nanites do not follow the rules of the rituals and form at random intervals into hostile entities called demons. These creatures are the basis for the mythical monsters seen in folklore (wendigo, lahmia, etc). They operate without rhyme or reason and cause destruction to anyone and everything around them, including each other. Some of these entities made are corrupted, bastardized versions of established daemons, while others are completely different and made up of a hodgepodge of different parts.
These are like the dark forests in traditional fantasy stories, where evil creatures or witches roam and bad things happen. There are no physical boundaries separating these "chaos infested" lands from other places, but humans know not to go there. This is the problem. These demons don't play by the normal rules of creation. Yet they are bound to those specific areas and don't spread out from that domain. How would this be the case?