Seeing that you are an evil genius, you should seriously consider launching your space vehicle using the well-researched method of Project Orion.
For those not familiar with this, you launch your vehicle by using about a 1000 nuclear bombs that you drop below the pusher plate on which your spacecraft rests. There are designs for vehicles in the range of 4,000 tons to 8,000,000 tons — actually there are smaller designs too, be the price of a 4,000 ton launch is so little different from a 100 ton launch, there is no good reason to skimp as you will still need the same amount of fissile material — making micro nukes is pretty inefficient. 8,000,000 tons even more surprisingly still requires about the same amount of fissile material.
At 8,000,000 tons, you could launch a city.
Add an extra thousand nukes and design your launch vehicle so you can separate the inhabited section from the remainder and you now have the ability to destroy the earth by smashing your vehicle into the earth at high speed — and because of your dramatic launch, everyone will already know you can do it too. Plus, you can just nuke people from orbit when the moods strikes.
Orion missions that have been designed include massive launch to LEO, round trips to Mars and Saturn and one-way to Alpha Centauri — all designed in the late 50's early 60 using tech that was considered available near term back then.
On your production line, expect you nukes to cost you about 1 million each. So only a billion per thousand nukes, no need to skimp there.
Someone is going to have to do some math to see just what your can do for 50 billion or so. Given that a smaller vehicle mission to Alpha Centauri was priced at around 360 billion I think you will have some nice solutions. Though you could raise some extra capital by selling nukes on the black market too if you want to supersize your launch vehicle.
Major plus — everyone on the planet will know what a bad-ass you are. You may not even have to actually destroy the earth after all, put them all to work for a mere 10% of GDP to stay on the don't destroy list and you can live the life of fame, power and luxury you deserve. Clearly stealth is not an option using this approach — but you won't need or want it this way.
Can I reserve a spot? An evil genius needs qualified minions.