So you may know Pokio from Mario Odyssey. If not: It's a more-or-less round bird with a cone shaped beak. it can "poke" it out (basically expanding/scaling it) as an attack.
The bird climbs by poking into walls (beak expanded) and can build up tension on his beak (bending it), by moving in a direction, then releasing to fly in the opposite direction.
Now I am designing a world around this kind of bird.
I want to know your suggestions about Levers & Switches. What would these look like? How would they operate? I would prefer not to use pressure plates on the floor, simply because they're too mundane for the setting.
I am looking for something that involves the beak and its abilities (expanding, bending).
Edit: for clarification.
These birds are one species among many, but there are no humans here.
"Technology" can be simple electricity or steam engines, but no computers.
A lever on the wall or on the floor could be operated by a bird like this. But I'm looking for something the bird could stick its beak in, or something similar.
Edit2: Basically: In our world, everything is designed to be used with hands. I want levers/switches designed for birds with expandable beaks.
Edit3: One solution, sketched. Based on the idea of Ruadhan: