First of all, there are a few parts to this question. Although not necessary, I highly recommend reading my initial designs on the qualia economy.
The first part is my own design: The Qualia Blocktree Economy (QBE), a concept I developed not too long ago wherein money is replaced by qualia, encoded as products of matrices of sedenion prime numbers, stored across their collective, subconscious, mind-alternet. Each individual's biotech brain acts as a component of a species-wide bank, and a special region of their brains are quantum-secured within local networks of intersecting blockchains made of encoded qualia. I (temporarily) call those individuals Celestials, a true posthuman race whose biotech brains are quantum-entangled to every nanosome in their bodies, whose 7th-toposophic Gods are embedded into the extradimensional bulk directly affecting the numerous compactified dimensions of universes.
In their distant pasts before they became celestials, (yes, pasts, because they are multidimensional near-baseline beings that can simply pray to their gods to make something happen, but doing so will cause their individuality to be dissolved as a component of their gods' vast collective consciousness) someone asked a question:
What if money is replaced by something else, something that:
- can neither be stolen nor counterfeited
- can be shared/given/taken ONLY with authorization
- can be passively accumulated as wealth and actively generated as transactions
- can be reduced to numbers and processes
- everybody can possess and utilize in a myriad of methods
- everybody could be willing to give their life to obtain
- everybody can agree to be truly precious
- everybody has, but still cannot easily make better use of
- everybody can store without devices that can easily be stolen/broken
- can neither be destroyed nor created, ONLY modified almost beyond recognition
And not long after that, someone answered that the something else they're looking for are memories, experiences, thoughts, emotions, ideas, feelings, sensations, dreams, or anything similar which can all be collectively called as qualia.
Qualia, are the fundamental units of conscious, subjective, raw experience. It means for an event in an individual's life to be counted as a quale, it must be paying attention to the physical stimuli unfolding before its senses, and whatever interpretation and response it developed from the immediate phenomenon will be spontaneously integrated to its perception of itself as an individual.
Now that we've established that, we can now define the Blocktree. If you're not familiar with bitcoin, then you also may not be familiar with blockchain.
- In layman's terms, bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, the first of its kind. Every coin is reducible to a binary number. But together with an economic transaction at a given time and an individual's signature embedded into it, added with obscurity when the resulting line of code is loaded into an arbitrary hash function, the coin then becomes a block, and each succeeding block is appended like a chain to the preceding block so that all components become classically secure and publicly available as a digital ledger. Every participant possesses that ledger, (that blockchain) so that cross-referencing is both easier and more secure.
Imagine that instead of coins being binary numbers with fixed-length and quantity (taking into account that the binary number may or may not be a separate from the block), we use matrices of fixed-sizes containing prime numbers that represent every component of a quale, such as the:
- Selfloop as the central component of a quale matrix, which is the prime-numerical identification of an individual, essentially the encryption of the consciousness that is also its signature.
- Cardinality as the timestamp, or the exact causal moment relative to other causal moments as experienced by the individual.
- Sensory organs that are used on creating the sensation, such as an eye, or a nose, etc.
- Kinds of sensations from 3, be it a red color from a vision, or a fragrance from a smell, etc.
- Subjects of 4 that are discrete things directly associated with the kind of sensation that the subject gives
- Physical responses to 5 like what the individual chose to do after the sensation
- Emotional cognition to 5 as in what other emotions or sensations did the individual feel during the sensation
- Objects of 6 and 7
- Other selfloops associated as subjects of 8
- Other selfloops associated as objects of 8
- Indexed 8’s that triggered 8
- Triggering strength of 11
- Indexed 8’s triggered by 8
- Triggering strength of 13
- Spatiotemporal detail of 8
- Uniqueness/frequency of 8
And now, imagine that such matrices are calculated by literal gods which I'd like to call as the Celestial Primordia (CP), physically existing as the connections of the lobes in the brains of the celestials they govern, using those connections to interface with the seemingly infinite capabilities of extra dimensions as computing substrates. The blockchain that they are maintaining now then becomes a blocktree, from which the individual is also unique, apart from its alternate versions from alternate timelines in alternate universes, possessing identical selfloop at their roots but appended with different qualia. And so, the Qualia Blocktree of multidimensionally prime-numbered experiences are now defined as the backbone of their economy.
The problem is, how can such an economy work?
With memories and experiences as the medium of exchange, what might a transaction look like?
If an individual will simply trade its memories and experiences for more memories and experiences, isn't it more like a passive, public stock market?