A body the size of Callisto with a surface gravity equal to Earth's would have to have an average density of 14.57 g/cm³. Since gravity at a given distance from a body of a given mass is proportional to the mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance, the mass of your Callisto-sized planet must be
$$M = { M_E \times \left(r_C \over r_E \right)² } = 8.548 \times 10^{23} kg$$
where $M_E$ = mass of Earth, $r_C$ = mean radius of Callisto (2410 km) and $r_E$ = mean radius of Earth. That gives about a seventh of Earth's mass, because anything on the surface of your planet will be much closer to its center than anything on the surface of Earth.
The density of your planet can then be calculated by dividing its mass by its volume (which is the volume of Callisto). If you don't want to introduce any more parameters you can calculate the volume using the radius, which after some simplification gives
$$D = { {3 M_E} \over {4 \pi \times r_C \times {r_E}²} } = 14.57 g/cm³$$
That's about three times the average density of Earth, or twice the density of iron, or a bit more than the density of mercury. I don't think a planet like that could form naturally in any way, but even if that were no problem, its chemical composition would probably preclude the existence of anything like plate techtonics or any of the common geochemical cycles that we know.
I would suggest allowing for a much smaller gravity and a bit larger size, but in that case you might as well go and make your planet a clone of Mars. If you cut the gravity by half (by reference, Mars gravity is 1/3 of Earth's) you could have a "cannonball" planet made almost entirely of iron and other heavy metals, with a very thin lighter crust and mantle; I'm no geologist so whether this would work I cannot say.
As for the satellite: you can have anything you want, really, if your model is an existing natural satellite. Just bear in mind that two bodies of similar sizes orbiting close to each other will raise mutual tides and will probably become tide-locked in a short span of time.