So, got me this magical forest. It affects lots of things biologically, ok, magically.
I am looking at the life span and magical ability kind of like an adaptation needed by living in the forest, which fades over generations or strengthens, depending on your stay in the forest and how old you are. Is there a bio equivalent for traits which appear and disappear like those below? Does this seem reasonable? And is there anything I am missing that should effect it? (Like perhaps food imported from the forest can help keep you from aging normally).
Any creature that stays there over several generations, will change in some way. Adaptations will happen, and quickly.
For the humans that discovered it, this meant an extended life-span, an ability to wield magic, and a look you might call elven. Those who leave have a shorter lifespan.
So an average of 600 years, all told, for a 5th generation human (that is the 5th generation to be born there) who stays in the magic forest.
If your parents are from the forest and most of your life is spent outside the magic forest, or you were born outside of it and grew up outside, the life span is more like 300-400. By the third generation outside life span dips to 200, and these humans look less elven. More...half elven. It continues to dip until about the 6th gen outside, when you're back to normal human levels.
Magic talent also dwindles along with the life span, generally.