So, riffing off this question, who would be the best at lying (not getting caught) in a culture where lying is a way of life? What strategies would an individual use to effectively get away with deception, given such a culture?
In cultures where we roundly condemn lying, we actually lie a lot and then lie about the fact that we lie. In this culture, they acknowledge that lies are social grease--they expect people to exaggerate things and make themselves look better. They expect merchants to lie to them, and they expect to have to call them on it (if it effects the price). This is not to say that they are dishonest about everything, but they treat lying as a skill--not something you should always do, if truth would better serve, but something that you should teach your children to do well, so they can get on in the world.
Here are the techniques I have so far, for our master liars in a culture of lies:
- Establish yourself as not creative enough to lie, or not bright enough to. Choose carefully when to lie and do it well when the time comes.
- Establish yourself as a bad liar with lots of tells, purposefully getting caught on most lies, until such time as you need to be believed.
- Tell the truth, but make sure that it seems as though you are lying, either through careful use of sarcasm ("Yes, I have the criminals right here, hiding in my root cellar.") or seeming insanity, or that you are trying to make yourself more important than you are. If they expect everyone to lie, sometimes the truth isn't believed. The master liar works with that.
NO, it is not a duplicate. In THE OTHER question, I asked how a culture that expects lying might be viewed by other cultures that see lying differently. In THIS question, I ask: who would be the best at lying (not getting caught) in a culture where lying is a way of life? What strategies would an individual use to effectively get away with deception, given such a culture? WHICH IS NOT THE SAME. I threw in a quote from the first question to explain the culture.