Imagine a world as we know it. People go about their daily business, working to earn money to spend to be happier. Politicians lying about the same things to get votes to get more power. Wars happening for the same reasons and un-reasons. Only with a slight difference:
Each and every man-made mirror works as a viewpoint and portal into a parallel world.
Scientists hypothesize the mirroring having happened due to the LHC going haywire and blowing up on the day of its inauguration-run in September 2008. This event likely having created a strong-link to an alternate timeline and thus bound the two earths1 together, somewhat, physically.
Thus you can imagine it as a tandem of two earths inhabiting physically the same space but then not because space-magic. These earths being inhabited by clones2 of the people and animals and everything on earth up to the specified date.
These mirrors allow people the following things:
- see the other earth
- hear sounds from the other earth
- communicate with people from the other earth
- pass things through to the other earth
..alas they do not allow:
- self-aware beings moving between the earths
The mirrors themselves are limited to locations where mirrors have been put on both earths. Though as the parallel earth only has been created relatively recently, the infrastructure development on both worlds are about 99.99% similar to each other.
mirror-linking: The linking between mirrors is based on their absolute position on their relative earth. Thus and in addition the following laws apply:
- a mirror placed on earth at (100, 10, 10) will only be linked to a mirror placed on htrae at (100, 10, 10)
- the linked surface of the mirrors will only be the area that overlaps on both mirrors
- only mirrors that are positioned back-to-back will actually form portals
- Place a mirror A with the dimensions of 10m length x 2m height facing east on earth at the center of the Alexanderplatz
- Place another mirror B with the dimensions of 2m length x 4m height facing west on htrae at the center of their Alexanderplatz3We now have created a portal on AlexanderplatZ with the dimensions of 2m length x 2m height.
On earth people will see the eastern part of the place
On htrae elpoep will see the western part of the place
Question: What would be the ramifications of such mirrors on the economy of these earths?
1call them Earth and htraE if you feel like it (or maybe Earth and !Earth, which is somewhat easier to read) 2I definitely prefer the term: mirrorlings; but who am I to tell you? 3respectively Ztalprednaxela