I had posted a similar question about this not too long ago, only it was just asking about aircraft. It got closed for whatever reason. I am asking a similar question, because I realized that air-travel is pretty much the superior form of getting around, and hence would effect the 3 main types of crafts, not just aircraft.
Basically, how would the ability to fly decently, good or great inherently change what types of vehicles are made and how they are used by a civilization.
Here are the 3 point that need answering:
- Effects on creation and usage of aircraft(airplanes, helicopter, etc.)
- Effects on creation and usage of landcraft(buses, bikes, cars, etc.)
- Effects on creation and usage of watercraft(boats, ships, etc.)
Now, I understand that not all things fly the same or as long. Some fliers can hover and others cannot, some go for a mile or so at most, some hundreds of miles at a time. I also understand that environment is also everything as well.
For the sake of this question, let us assume that these fliers are roughly mansized, can hover and can fly at 40-60 MPH for several hours a day. They also should be able to fly with upto like 1/4-1/2 of their bodyweight. Their world is Earth/Earthesque.
So how would mass transit vehicles like buses, jets, and ships fare? Would folks use than as often as our world does? How would things like fishing or going to work or school play out? How about shopping?
If need-be, I can give more details.