While this civilization is forming a government, they decided to have a single executive and a group of department heads who also act as advisors.
What kind of departments would be formed/ required to maintain a science driven, militaristic space civilization?
By sheer luck, I have here a document that answers this very same question.
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Liquid 101 guide to make your galactic civilization more interesting than Space Nazis
Everybody loves a good, all-conquering, militaristic while science-loving space civilization. But what kind of deparments would you need to make it work? What kind of people do you want as advisors for your single dictator chief?
Here's my selection. In some departments, I have proposed smaller sub-section called branches; each branch oversees a particular area of interest. The idea behind branches is to minimize the total number of departments, improve cooperation, and expand each deparments core concepts.
As part of an expansionist, militaristic society you'll be probably attacking, but it's generally better to keep appearances
This department will be in charge of the military. The suggested branches are:
- Space Forces, for all your 0 gravity needs,
- Planetary Forces, aka when things get down to earth,
- Logistics, possibly the tiresome job of keeping them all together.
Of course, they are supposed to work closely with each other. Space forces will train its own personell for manning the fleets, but ground troops from Planetary are expected to be on board too - mainly to get from mission A to mission B. Needless to say, the Logistic branch is vital to every operation, while being the less gun-populated one. It's expected to work closely with the science and exploration departments.
Aka the mind-numbing tasks nobody wants to do
Your administration department should ensure that everything in your empire runs as intended in the daily lives of your fellow citizens. I'll point out some area of interests:
- Security: Law enforcement, internal security, and policing. While this could do jointly with your army, it's usually better to keep police under a different power structure.
- Public Services: Not to be mistaken with the public toilets. Public Services should manage everything from waste disposal to healthcare, with welfare in between.
- Rules and Regulations: a branch tasked with ensuring that the law code is followed and in good health. This branch could have judiciary power - running tribunals - and a light legislative power - as it could suggest new laws or law edits to your chief.
Exploration and Commerce
There's money to be made in space!
The best suited department for navigators, explorers and merchants.
- Trade would be the branch tasked with estabilishing routes, deals, both internal to your civilization and external (toward other uplift or not uplift species).
- the Scouting branch would tasking with exploring the vast nothingness of space, both with manned missions, space probes, and telescopes.
- Colonization would be responsible for setting and mantaining new colonies, and make sure they succeed.
The emphasis here is knowing what's out there, putting foot on it, make it profitable, rinse and repeat. The goal of your civilization is to expand, so it makes sense having some of your staff getting really specialized at that. Of course, a close cooperation with the science department for all the technology needs is to be expected.
Putting it all together
Well, what can I say about science? It would cover a lot of topics, to be sure; and unless your uplifted society has discovery a theory of everything, you will be probably stuck with all the various fields of scientific knowledge banded together. It would make sense to have different branches for , lets say, Medicine, Physics, Computer science, Biology and so on. This would also give your scientist a very familiar academic feel. If you'd like to be more general, you could distinguish a branch for Academic and Applied sciences, and maybe a branch devoted to Research and Development projects.
Wait, do I even need this?
Short answer, yes, you do. Even in a militaristic, science based society you still need to cultivate your culture - exspecially when your people, recently uplifted, will spiritually struggle in finding their place in the universe. And remember - you could always use it to make propaganda, in the worst case.
- Humanities (?) assuming, of course, your people call themselves humans. Anyway, this is the branch of literature and the other fine arts; but also the study of languages.
- Foreign Studies your civilization will meet other uplifted people. When that happens, you'll need scientists able to study and assimilate as much as possible about the other civilization; their language, their habits, their social norms ...
- Medias and Communication - either is about news, or getting out your propaganda.
That gets the gears running
Ideally, this would be the department tasked with industries, farms and factories. Your society may work as a state-running machine or like a capitalist utopia, but in either case you'll need some way to ensure that the components for your ships are getting built, and bread is being baked, somewhere.
So, I'd consider
- Life support for food, water and other vital resources (which may extend to breathable gases and whatnot)
- Industry with specific focus on the needs of your growing civilization,
- Automaton to deal, eventually, with those pesky robots.