I apologize if this question is not written up to standards, I am rather new to this site.
I have been an avid fan of chucklefish's acclaimed sandbox title, Starbound, for a number of years now and one question has always stuck in my mind. Is it plausible for the Avian species to exist? The Avians are described as humanoid with strong features from earth's avian species. They are portrayed as possessing beaks upon their faces, with their bodies covered in a thick layer of fur/feathers. Secondly, they appear to possess near-human sizes and builds, with no apparent wings but instead hand-like graspers with talons upon the fingers and feet.
Is it indeed possible for a bird-like species to evolve on another planet, forsaking wings for arms and appear generally more 'human' under evolutionary pressures?
For further context on the species, the official wiki has a good amount on further info on them: https://starbounder.org/Avian