Biological Option:
They are able to form symbiotic relationships.
They evolved in close contact with another species, intelligent, but not sapient. This secondary species is able to learn behaviors, and follow commands. Over time, first by selective breeding, then by technological means, the secondary species was able to be adapted to better serve their de-facto masters.
This doesn't signify that there is a relationship between them of master and slave, far more like a life-companion or favourite pet, but with the outstanding benefits that go beyond sheep-dogs or hunting-hawks -and far more close and emotionally invested.
The communication would at first have been perhaps through chemical control, like simulated pheromones or perhaps the control cordyceps has on an ant. Over time and with the help of technology, the communication could be more direct-neural to neural, by implant perhaps.
Of course, the cooperation between the species would remain supreme with the secondary species being allowed to frolic with it's own and engage in dreams and relationship building - on the occasions that their "masters" want to chill and binge-watch vids, maybe do a little relationship building of their own.
This would naturally allow for spacesuits that fit the secondary species, and their form of locomotion - whatever that may be. The design of them is up for grabs.