So, supposeSuppose I have world, which is "flat"flat, meaning that there are edges on the side you could fall off into space, but it is actually still quite thick, thick enough to have Morias, underground castles, hellscapes and deep chasms.
Do note that the world is not the Earth, it is a fantasy world, with magic. The world is also in the center of the universe, with anything that is not the world in "orbit" around the worldit.
I say "orbit", as the sun, moon, stars and other planets were all placed there by some great divine power of yore. The only requirement I would have for the celestial bodies would be that they do move, and in a constant orbit like orbit-like way, but completely disregarding gravity wells, and one planetary body does not affect the path and orbit of any other planetary body. This means that there could be large planets in orbits that would not be physically possible in our universe.
Another thing to note is that the sun can be of any size, brightness and distance, as there can be a hand wave magic-waved magical atmosphere that regulates the tempraturetemperature of the world.
HowWhat would the orbits of the sun and the moon be like, for the world to be able to have a::
Day nightHave a day-night cycle.? Do note that I would like an Earth-like day-night cycle, with the day beginning earlier in the east, stretching to the west, so that east is always seemingly "ahead" in the day.
SeasonHave a season cycle?
Be able to see the stars and the moon at night.?