What would be the affecteffect on climate on an Earth-like moon of a gas giant, which experienced regular ("monthly") total solar eclipses (by its gas giant parent) lasting approx. 40 hours.
I'm trying to recreate a realistic climate for this world. All things being equal, the moon is slightly warmer than Earth (its big enough, with sufficient magnetosphere to hang on to its atmosphere), it is not tidally locked, and rotates on its axis as well as orbiting its parent. So it has a fairly "normal" day and night cycle (notwithstanding light reflected by its parent during "night"). But I cannot find guidance anywhere on the web what kind of affect a monthly 40-hours of total darkness for the whole moon would have on its climate, and the development and behavior of its plants (maybe it has no appreciable affect, I don't know, but I'm assuming some cooling beyond what is usual for normal night, towards the end of that 40-hour period).
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
The setting is the same as Captured Earth-Like Moons around Gas Giants
I used the formula provided by Michael Kjörling in this thread Earth-like Moon around the Gas Giant. Eclipse length? to calculate the eclipse length.
Same setting as: Captured Earth-Like Moons around Gas Giants