The typical human eye can see wavelengths between 350nm and 750nm. In 1666, Isaac Newton used a triangular prism to split a beam of white into a rainbow and then define the first color wheel.
Fast-forward to modern times, most color wheels we find in graphics editor software look something similar to this:
Now, in another universe, Iseec Nawton did the same experiment. However, he did not see a rainbow of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Instead, He saw a rainbow of Red, Orange, Blue, and Green (in that order).
Ignoring any evolutionary reasons for this to happen, how would their modern color wheels look?
Edit: For clarity, I'm considering that Iseec Nawton saw fewer colors. If the change in order makes this question impossible to answer, I'm okay with changing it to Red, Orange, Blue, and Green.