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WillRoss1's user avatar
WillRoss1's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Boise, ID, United States
46 votes

Is my river map even remotely realistic?

11 votes

Why would an intelligent creature, which can use human language, be unable to communicate with nearby humans?

6 votes

How can an individual provide a higher quality of energy the more depleted it becomes?

6 votes

Alternative chalk board materials

5 votes

Why does magical defensive equipment not work in layers?

5 votes

How can I avoid making power levels of magic users irrelevant when one can siphon power from alternate sources?

4 votes

How can a cesarian section affect the Mana content of an individual?

4 votes

Mountain ranges and tectonic plates -- how can I make my world map more plausible?

3 votes

Third Pillar of Authority

3 votes

Tree Shape on a Tidally Locked World

2 votes

How do we create an interstellar communications system?

2 votes

Reasons to not use the "Language of Magic" as a common language

2 votes

Could these species create complex technology together?

2 votes

How do I fix my broken black and white bending magic system?

1 vote

Why do witches have non-magical bodyguards?

0 votes

How can the offspring of Gods always be completely human?

0 votes

What are some of the most powerful theoretical sources of energy?

0 votes

My planet has a long period orbit. How can I make the seasons change faster in order to shorten the length of a calendar year on it?