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user_1818839's user avatar
user_1818839's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

Million-year-old records

3 votes

What effect would "item memory" have on modern day economics and production

3 votes

How does a colony of sentient cockroaches communicate and establish diplomacy with humans?

3 votes

How to prevent a desert from forming alongside a large mountain

3 votes

What would cause a nuclear power plant to break down after 2000 years, but not sooner?

3 votes

Would the successful creation of nuclear powered bombers in the 1950s have had any meaningful impact on the Cold War?

3 votes

Reason to use tridents over other weapons?

3 votes

Is there other way to perceive depth beside relying on parallax?

3 votes

How do telecom companies survive when everyone suddenly knows telepathy?

3 votes

If I build a railroad around the edge of a supercontinent, will that kill the oceangoing shipping industry?

2 votes

Would there be any fuel alternatives for an internal combustion engine before the discovery of crude oil/gasoline?

2 votes

Can language stay static with immortals?

2 votes

Is there any reason a society might use electric boilers and steam engines in their trains rather than electric motors?

2 votes

Food ingredients in the medieval ages compared to their modern counterparts?

2 votes

What is the viability of trains on planets covered in water?

2 votes

What is the hardest wood possible, and where would this be a practical material?

2 votes

How might one explain (pseudo-scientifically) the generation of a "projected," guided darkness?

2 votes

The Benign Apocalypse

2 votes

Would a migratory species have war?

1 vote

How to modify the human eye to see into the ultraviolet and infrared bands?

1 vote

How could a law exist that allows victims to be arrested for the crime against them?

1 vote

Warrior caste in an utopian society: what would keep them peaceful for centuries?

1 vote

Can a river be put under enough pressure to jet straight up for a mile?

1 vote

How could mercenaries become a lot more prevalent with well funded & competent militaries still in existence?

1 vote

What would a creature with very powerful and accurate throwing ability look like?

1 vote

Using our current understanding of science, is it possible for biologically plausible animals to be resistant to our current military weapons?

1 vote

How to sustain this sedentary hunter-gatherer society?

0 votes

In a world of groovy super spies, how would a spy cross a ravine?

0 votes

What is a proper River Horse?

0 votes

How do governments keep people accountable for contracts and oaths in a civilisation without a writing system?