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user51610's user avatar
user51610's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
4 votes

Where would a dense population of human beings live underground?

4 votes

How do I maximize a planet's wave height (on average)?

4 votes

Could a world exist with a distinct line of changing temperatures between the hemispheres?

3 votes

Radiotrophic Fungus Organelles

2 votes

Advanced genetic editing tech, unleashed in the wild, contaminates biological matter to create frothing fountains of rapid growth/decay cycles

1 vote

How to cut corners while rebuilding after apocalypse?

1 vote

How fast can I flood the Netherlands entirely and permanently?

1 vote

Convenient teeth for a bloodsucking vampire

1 vote

How close to complete speciation can a devout group of people who want to grow wings or glide get?

1 vote

Could there be some kind of way for an underground jungle-like climate to occur

1 vote

Medieval ways to tell time, without a sun or stars

1 vote

Time-keeping system throughout a galaxy?

1 vote

Plausible scenario for the invention of telescopes and/or cameras in antiquity?

1 vote

Weapons out of grass and roots practical for tiny humans to hunt beetles?

0 votes

Can a planet have soil in form of powdered gems?

0 votes

Could a person scuba diving take off his air tank and use it to propel himself?

0 votes

Creature Design Challenge- Extreme Gravity Flying Vertebrate

0 votes

What would be the most efficient way to destroy a comet?