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KeizerHarm's user avatar
KeizerHarm's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Netherlands
80 votes

How can I make female battle mages a good investment for warfare?

75 votes

How long would it take to dig a 10 km canal with Bronze Age technology?

48 votes

Why do generation ships have large rectangular shaped portholes instead of round ones?

42 votes

Despite slain monsters continually yielding gold coins, why does gold's trading value seem to remain constant over the years?

27 votes

How could a dragon-proof toy work?

24 votes

Is there a right/wrong way to figure out how my world name would evolve into middle English from Arabic?

23 votes

Can a population suffer from accidental inbreeding?

21 votes

How Dragons Can Hoard People

19 votes

What geological and climatic factors could result in a planet where the only biomes are oceans, deserts and wetlands? A wet OR dry world

19 votes

Running out of time in a world where time has stopped, how to make it consistent?

18 votes

How to prevent theft in a society where everyone has hyperspace storage?

17 votes

How does a robot keep its own joints clean?

16 votes

Why enchanted weapons are seldom recycled?

16 votes

Biology of a creature that could instantly gain weight at will?

16 votes

How can I explain a device that blurs vision within a localized area?

12 votes

How do I make a writing system undecipherable, while not intended as such in-world?

11 votes

Language that cannot be divided into words?

11 votes

A suit that realistically protects against impact, falling, being thrown around?

11 votes

Why would Mermaids develop ships?

11 votes

What's the angle of repose for dead zombie bodies?

10 votes

"A disease killed a king in six months. What disease was it?" Fantasy, some magical healing

10 votes

Would civilization collapse if everyone becomes invisible to one another?

9 votes

The Emperor's New Palace

8 votes

What is the past tense of 'to be' on a 747? Will we need new language constructs to accommodate time-travel usage?

8 votes

In what conditions could whales fly?

8 votes

How can I get a total solar eclipse to be a yearly event?

8 votes

What are minimal changes to make truncated pyramid-shaped megabuildings a thing?

8 votes

Methods for mitigating impact of a large high speed cloud of dust in space

7 votes

Why would a creature need a rib cage that can split open?

7 votes

What should a god put on an island, so that its human settlers will more quickly achieve an industrialised society?