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Josh's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
12 votes

Can you build a suit that acts against gravity?

9 votes

A patriarchal society worshipping a Mother-goddess

7 votes

Creating a scientifically semi-valid super-soldier, part 7: Hearing

6 votes

Of replicators and postage stamps

6 votes

Why would anyone want a freezing weapon?

6 votes

Would personal energy shields be useful in hand to hand combat?

4 votes

What would happen if I reentered at Mach 172?

4 votes

How would life be impacted if nothing left behind a corpse upon death?

4 votes

How can I explain the evolution of my giants?

3 votes

Different Rates of Twins Across Different Races?

3 votes

Could crystals grow on living things?

3 votes

How to colonize this planet?

3 votes

Would enabling a human to chew his cud make him lose weight or gain weight?

2 votes

Legal Hurdles of the Living Dead.

2 votes

Any reasons for crew on space warships?

1 vote

Is an organism that is a collection of worms inhabiting a bare skeleton possible?

1 vote

I need names for 16 months

1 vote

Is it possible for a species to survive unassisted if each individual is so specialized to the point that they cannot survive without the colony

0 votes

Preventing a Suggestibility Drug from taking over the Story?

0 votes

What aspects of life on another planet would take several days to negatively affect humans?

0 votes

Why would a post-apocalyptic group would want to rebuild the USA long after USA falls (i.e. not for continuity of government)?