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computercarguy's user avatar
computercarguy's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
39 votes

Possibility of airless spaceships being used for manned space combat?

21 votes

Is a pig-mounted cavalry possible?

13 votes

What kind of natural armor would stop bullets?

11 votes

Would Naga be good at throwing grenades?

11 votes

Food and cutlery for intelligent snakes

10 votes

Addictive substance without noticeable effects

9 votes

Can a lack of diseases in the medieval period lead to overpopulation?

9 votes

In a future where lasers are the weapon of choice, why not wear mirrors?

6 votes

In a world with very advanced computer science, how would people be taught sufficient programming skills?

6 votes

Quick solutions to a modern warning placed on the surface of a planet for future generations

6 votes

Tree Shape on a Tidally Locked World

5 votes

How would WW2-level navy deal with my "merfolk"?

5 votes

Why would surrounding countries not claim accessible, habitable, and unclaimed land?

5 votes

How could indestructible materials be used in power generation?

5 votes

Fantasy alarm clocks

5 votes

The balance problems and possible workarounds for two legged war machines

5 votes

Planet loses its Core

4 votes

Can a person lie if his eyes tell his emotions?

4 votes

Where to put a tracking implant?

4 votes

In a culture that writes in circles, what would the medium for writing look like?

4 votes

Which US defense organization would respond to an invasion like this?

4 votes

How to trick a fairly simplistic kill-counter?

4 votes

Why do dragons like shiny stuff?

4 votes

What would be the best design for a ship maintenance bot?

4 votes

What would prevent Big Pharma from marketing witch potions to consumers in pill form?

4 votes

Weapon design for underwater hand-to-hand combat

4 votes

How can a mechanical clock be powered by wind in a reliable, constant way?

4 votes

A several billion dollars project to stop people from sneezing, besides full hazmat suits?

3 votes

How could a subterranean alien lifeform develop space travel?

3 votes

From how far away can it be deduced that there is sentient life on earth?