Hello, I'm a former student at the University of Illinois who is currently studying chemistry and computer science, among other fields. I like to help others and stay connected with my community, which is why I help answer questions on Chem.SE. I like to code, read, and do chemistry experiments in my free time. By the way, use MathJax please.
Worldbuilding posts I like (not all on topic): How would Facebook Sysadmins prevent the summoning of Cthulhu?, What's the smallest change to physics required to allow magic?, What's the most reasonable way to fit Monsters in your Pocket?, You are an advanced AI that controls a smart house. How do you kill your master?
Notes on the change in username:
Monica Cellio's post about the course of events
Oh yes, and this: What does "- Reinstate Monica" mean?
It might not be much, but it's the right thing to do.