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bendl's user avatar
bendl's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Charlotte, NC, United States
63 votes

What would be a credible way to design a watertight membrane that still allows large organisms to pass through?

31 votes

The Infinite Sea, how narrow can that be?

21 votes

Can you protect a Space Elevator from Space Junk?

17 votes

How to build a trap to last the ages?

14 votes

In a world with very advanced computer science, how would people be taught sufficient programming skills?

12 votes

Using the Casimir effect with a railgun to reduce mass, size and recoil?

12 votes

What MATH could I use to conclude my World's Elf prime pregnancy years?

11 votes

Are there physiological traits common to all tool-building species?

11 votes

How can I create explosions without using oxygen?

10 votes

Placement of redundant containment systems?

10 votes

How to trigger explosive arrows?

8 votes

How could mankind of ancient times cause significant climate change?

8 votes

A friend has an idea for a PA colony traveling to Proxima Centauri B but need help fleshing it out

7 votes

Average Speed when Caving

7 votes

The nation without villages

6 votes

How would one develop a transistor in a medieval setting

5 votes

Can lodestones be used to magnetize crude iron weapons?

5 votes

How could an inter-temporal banking system work?

5 votes

How would you design a dragon-like creature so it could sew?

5 votes

What is the best unit of measure for the time portion of a non-earth-bound light"year"?

4 votes

How would two generational ships traveling at point eight cee communicate with each other?

4 votes

What would physics be like in a wrap-around universe?

4 votes

Thousand pound steel bow?

4 votes

Harvesting carbon free electricity from a field of plants

3 votes

Low-gravity Bronze Age fortifications

3 votes

Is this aircraft plausible?

3 votes

Can space debris be used as a heat sink for re-entry?

3 votes

What would happen to a planet after a quarter of it had been blown up?

3 votes

What Technological Regression Might a Spacefaring Civilization Experience?

3 votes

Mapping Stellar Empires?