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Sasugasm's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
18 votes

What type of claws should my trolls have?

15 votes

What weapon of mass destruction could theoretically vaporize a whole solar system?

12 votes

How can Mutually Assured Destruction be made...not assured?

5 votes

Feasibility of poisonous soft bullet

5 votes

How can God warn people of the upcoming rapture without disrupting society?

4 votes

How to make someone who is capable of telepathically altering matter not overpowered?

4 votes

Creating a scientifically semi-valid super-soldier, part 3: Physical shock resistance

3 votes

What would a medieval mech look like?

3 votes

How to establish a fantasy religion for races other than humans?

2 votes

Vigenère cipher with a regularly-changing key

1 vote

What would the government of a medieval city-state be and how many people would be running it?

1 vote

How would a group of floating medieval kingdoms sustain themselves

0 votes

Why would an electrokinetic be unable to create weapons made from electricity?

-1 votes

How might a Professor of Mathematics Change History?