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Keith Morrison's user avatar
Keith Morrison
  • Member for 7 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
10 votes

At what technological level can a mixed-gender military not be at a disadvantage to an all-male one?

9 votes

How useful would were-creatures be for military applications?

9 votes

What kind of lunar orbit would cause a total solar eclipse to happen once a day?

9 votes

Consequences of an altered square cube law

9 votes

Infrared photosynthesis - how make it to work biologically and chemistry and composition of the process?

9 votes

How can a kingdom bring back the inquisition without letting them become horribly corrupt and despotic?

9 votes

Boiling sea between volcanoes

9 votes

Evidence of spacetime anomaly in local geology?

9 votes

Evolution in dragons

8 votes

Can a 15km, rapidly-spining asteroid go undiscovered until the asteroid belt is being actively explored?

8 votes

Can electronic warfare be used to bring space combat into visual range and protect fighters/bombers?

8 votes

The History of Werewolf Fashion, Part 1: the 2000s

8 votes

Can a planet have asymmetrical weather seasons? Like 3 months for summer, fall and spring each and 6 months of winter?

8 votes

Ways to get around the Square-Cube Law

8 votes

How long would it take a parasite that transmits via parent to child to spread through a population?

7 votes

What Would be The Least Bad Countries to Seek Refuge As a Powerful Superhuman?

7 votes

Could an Earth-like world use airships as heavy cargo haulers?

7 votes

Logical in-universe reason for humans to continue using conventional firearms while other species use exotic weaponry?

7 votes

Reasons for a Unitary Government to have Provinces?

7 votes

Units of measurement, especially length, when body parts vary in size among races

7 votes

How could Mao Zedong have won the Chinese Civil War before 1931?

7 votes

Why would a creature only have feathers on its back?

7 votes

Anatomically Correct Asari

7 votes

How long would it take for one hundred couples to have one million descendants?

7 votes

How tall could a humanoid get while still capable of supporting their own weight?

7 votes

What would the climate zones of Pangea be?

7 votes

How do I justify spending time to create a world in the first place?

7 votes

How can a secret organisation enforce their plans without blowing their cover?

6 votes

Could a Mosasaurus destroy a ship?

6 votes

Can we build a roguelike maze?

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