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elemtilas's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

How would merfolk food presentation look like?

9 votes

Survival strategy for a time traveller in the Roman empire

9 votes

How to make a human that doesn't need to breathe

9 votes

Would a race of creatures with thick natural armor create artificial armor?

9 votes

Aerial combat: winged humans

9 votes

How to achieve cat-like agility?

9 votes

How to keep the brain alive?

9 votes

How damaging would a dragon with an aqua regia breath weapon be?

9 votes

How to sustainably feed Las Vegas after the apocalypse?

8 votes

Powertrain for mid-19th century mecha

8 votes

Medieval portable oxygen tank

8 votes

What will the abdominal muscles of non-primate humanoids look like?

8 votes

Scientific Explanation for Basilisk-Induced Death

8 votes

What does the view outside my ship traveling at light speed look like?

8 votes

Would an alien lifeform be able to achieve space travel if lacking in vision?

8 votes

Atmosphere that makes people wear masks for breathing

8 votes

How long would it take to build a simple stone building in medieval times?

8 votes

Swordsman in the year 3000?

8 votes

Making a 1000lb draw longbow

8 votes

What cultural elements do ethnic minorities have in common?

8 votes

How far can a person travel by foot in a month

8 votes

Could an Earth-like world use airships as heavy cargo haulers?

8 votes

Square Cube Law and The Titan Whale

8 votes

A 19th century proximity suit

8 votes

Would a "Hunting Horn" be feasible in a realistic world?

8 votes

Are there any 3000 year old Northern European languages that modern humans could communicate with?

8 votes

Keeping oral tradition accurate, and preventing language divergence, how long will it last?

8 votes

Feasibility of Flailing Ooze

8 votes

Navigating under a starless sky: how to determine the position?

8 votes

How long after birth would it take for a fully-coordinated baby to begin walking?

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