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elemtilas's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
24 votes

Could a simple hospital oxygen mask protect from aerosol poison?

23 votes

Worldbuilding forum or other conversational place?

23 votes

Imprisoning people in frictionless bowls

23 votes

A company offers fossilization as funeral option, how could it be credible?

23 votes

How could a lost time traveller quickly and quietly determine they've arrived in 500 BC France?

21 votes

Farming the Abyssal Plain?

21 votes

What could a reptilian race tell by candling their eggs?

21 votes

If the SUN of our planet was the same size and proximity of the moon, would it still work as usual?

21 votes

High pressure canisters of air as gun-less projectiles

20 votes

How would an organism drink water on a planet where the water is pH11?

20 votes

How would a Steampunk voice synthesizer work?

20 votes

Jail building, escaping from a frictionless hemispherical pit bottom without initial velocity

19 votes

How could a person make a concoction smooth enough to drink and inject without access to a blender? Is it possible?

19 votes

What would a medieval war against an aquatic race look like?

19 votes

Can a continent naturally split into two distant parts within a week?

18 votes

Could you live in underground lava tubes on Venus?

18 votes

Is it possible for people to live in the eye of a permanent hypercane?

17 votes

If quadruped mammals evolve to become bipedal will their breast or nipple change position?

17 votes

How could a person correct their vision with limited technology?

17 votes

How would you design a dragon-like creature so it could sew?

17 votes

If I knock down this building, how many other buildings do I knock down as well?

17 votes

(GRUESOME CONTENT) skinning people and actually keeping them alive

17 votes

How far could civilisation develop within one lifetime - starting from nothing?

16 votes

How can a repressive government quickly but non-permanently disable human vocal cords in a way that allows only that government to restore them?

16 votes

Steam-powered organ

16 votes

Can you compress metal and what would be the consequences?

15 votes

Dragon covered in flames

15 votes

Can blind people build a spaceship and land on the Moon?

15 votes

Essentials for post apocalyptic traveler

14 votes

Are there any advantages of rail vehicles in space?

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