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Catalyst's user avatar
Catalyst's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Boston, MA, United States
85 votes

How to butcher your dragon?

75 votes

Ultimate Australian Canal

38 votes

Cartoon vs Real Life Bores?---(Pointy vs Flat kind)

34 votes

Is there any real reason for Dwarves not to have cavalry?

30 votes

Is there a reason why similar or the same musical instruments would develop?

27 votes

How do Glass Ants create their tunnels?

20 votes

What might cause (physically) large predatory birds to form large (in terms of numbers) flocks?

19 votes

How would plants develop and grow in a world where almost the entirety of the surface is stone?

17 votes

What color dyes would be available to the average person in a medieval world?

15 votes

What is stopping people getting dizzy on board the generation ship 'Spinny McSpinface'?

13 votes

How effective would a stone cannon be?

12 votes

If natural diamond was large and abundant how would it change the world?

12 votes

Are endothermic bombs possible?

11 votes

How deep can, historically or realistically, aqueducts and/or underground pipeline systems get?

10 votes

How could immortal children age faster than immortal adults?

9 votes

How was the Helium Density Crisis of 2017 resolved?

8 votes

How to butcher your dragon?

8 votes

What type of architecture would an arachnid /crustacean likely to have? [SCULPTING FINISHED]

7 votes

Will privacy disappear if our sense of smell was strong like that of a bear?

7 votes

What is plausible biology of ocean-dwelling, tool-using, intelligent creatures?

7 votes

We're in the mountains. Where do we hide?

7 votes

What would be a source of iron to ward off faeries in todays world

6 votes

How long can an adult survive on pure carbs?

6 votes

Where is the best place to park your damaged spaceship, longterm?

6 votes

Million year time capsule

6 votes

Which gas giant of the solar system could humanity mine and for what resource?

6 votes

What kind of weapons would still be effective under water?

6 votes

A river around the earth

6 votes

How could a smaller country successfully take control of a much larger country?

5 votes

What kind of supernatural powers don't break the masquerade?

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