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ThreeLifes's user avatar
ThreeLifes's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Spain
16 votes

A sufficient justification for the infantry using lethal, directed energy weapons

7 votes

Is there a scientific explanation as to why aliens should look similar to us?

6 votes

How do I keep my remains safe from being summoned as a skeleton?

5 votes

How to ethically utilize ability to transfer life from one human to another?

5 votes

Could a humanoid be hematophagous (i.e., drink blood to survive) like a vampire?

4 votes

What would terrestrial animals derived from cnidarian ancestors look like?

4 votes

Mosquito protection for an ancient rainforest civilization?

4 votes

What are the Optimal Projects to Take Advantage of a Pocket Dimension with Variable Time?

3 votes

What types of genetic characteristics would help animals survive a decades long nuclear winter?

3 votes

Using liquid/malleable metal as a shield/weapon?

3 votes

How to get earth like conditions with a Hollow-World?

2 votes

Limits of telekinesis

2 votes

How would merfolk store and preserve their food?

2 votes

Most Likely Natural Capabilities of Space Sea Creatures

2 votes

My generation ship aliens: Plausible development?

2 votes

Machina Plague: Health Effects

1 vote

Is ignorance of time dilation effects justified?

1 vote

Group-minded alien species create alien human hybrids- why?

1 vote

How to destroy a parallel timeline?

1 vote

How much would it cost to build an orbiting "Princess"?

1 vote

Santa is Satan, but why?

1 vote

magically provoked, naturally manifesting lower gravity area in a 10 mile radius

1 vote

Safe communication from Earth surface to orbit and back

0 votes

How to limit the proportion of a Force sensitive population?

0 votes

How do I use late Victorian mad-science to tame lost world megafauna?

0 votes

Is it realistic to have a livable planet with a quarter the size of Earth, but with the same gravity?

0 votes

How could six-limbed dragons launch like vampire bats and giant pterosaurs?

0 votes

Hollow Earth, or mile deep network of caves/tunnels

0 votes

What conditions would an A-type star need to have a blue color?

0 votes

Is it possible for facultative symbiosis between a large non-sentient organism and a smaller sentient organism?