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cometaryorbit's user avatar
cometaryorbit's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
15 votes

Anatomically Correct Ahuizotl

13 votes

Realistic sky of an Earth-like moon orbiting a gas giant (length of day and size of celestial bodies)

12 votes

How do I kill a giant mantis without using fire?

11 votes

Limit to digestion and long term energy storage?

11 votes

How can you find where the Earth is, if you were lost near Neptune?

7 votes

Would residents of a small planet realize the planet is small?

6 votes

What if half the Earth was covered in lava?

6 votes

Need some help in creating silicon life in cold temperatures

5 votes

Primitive ant-like species and written language

5 votes

Could gas be harvested from a Chthonian planet?

5 votes

How does weather change on an earthlike planet with a denser atmosphere?

5 votes

What would be the ecosystem on a earth-like planet with substantially less oceanic water than Earth?

5 votes

Anatomically Correct King Kong

4 votes

Is it possible to have a volcanic planet that is survivable by a human?

4 votes

Flying Plants: Island edition

4 votes

How can I get a giant non-marine snake?

4 votes

Is there really no realistic way for a skeleton monster to move around without magic?

3 votes

Making T-rex More Dangerous Part 2: Defenses and Durability

3 votes

How do I nerf a magic system empowered by emotion?

3 votes

Is an oxygen/nitrogen cycle possible, given a cold enough climate?

3 votes

What types of genetic characteristics would help animals survive a decades long nuclear winter?

2 votes

How do I recover an incoming Voyager 1 probe?

2 votes

A Younger Siberian Traps

2 votes

Is FTL required for this kind of plot?

2 votes

Using a brown dwarf for a gravity-assisted slingshot

2 votes

Functionality of a horseshoe orbit around a gas giant in a binary star system

2 votes

Scaling up compound eyes, is there a size limit?

2 votes

What Would the Climate Be Like on this Extreme Alternate Earth?

1 vote

Weather with extreme seasons

1 vote

Will interplanetary shipping even be necessary in a future with nanofabricators?