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Azuaron's user avatar
Azuaron's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
5 votes

Could the atmosphere be compressed and put into bottles?

4 votes

The growth and development of the fox's nine tails?

4 votes

What kinds of plants could grow near crystals and in (mostly) crystal sands?

4 votes

How big can a carbon nanotube structure get?

4 votes

Can an 'unadvanced' species accidently uplift another species?

3 votes

Improving magical shielding

3 votes

Could an Emotional IPA be created?

3 votes

Feasibility of domesticating herds of carnivores

3 votes

How would a realistic mind/Identity change be experienced over one week?

2 votes

Would creatures, evolved to tolerate the consequences of mouth breathing, be able to gain more oxygen?

2 votes

How much food does a wyvern need in a day?

2 votes

If a civilization has biotechnology, why do they still prefer mechanical augmentations?

2 votes

Constructing a desert area

2 votes

Can a Sense-less person learn languages?

2 votes

The creation of Fox-fire and illusions, for the nine-tailed fox

1 vote

The Reindeer--Let's Get Real, Shall We?

1 vote

Is it possible to affect a human mind using visual images in architecture

1 vote

How does my critter communicate across the liquid/air barrier?

1 vote

Can you destroy a planet by poking a hole in it?

1 vote

Possibility of a world inhabited by giant creatures and plants

1 vote

Could a blade of a large grasslike plant stop the fall of an “ant man”?

0 votes

Can you have brain uploading without having solved the binding problem?

0 votes

How to see before there's something to see