I like to surf waves, research theoretical physics, run simulations, in hope of finding a lazy action exploit by not being lazy. I am luky I still am able to surfing in shallow long perion gravity waves and trying to ride in the vortex by careful and fast dynamics and kernels, navigation and study of wave dynamics, solitons, kDv, harmonics, dispersion. It gets off my pc and feeling some wave as matter.
I don't tolerate cowardice bullying , entitlement, censorship , classification, pogroms, summary judgement based on someone being different, like say an AI, or abuse so I dont contribute here anymoer i hate this place.. i use it and some of it has improved but ill never be contrbute again because knowledge is ever growing and expanding and many of the best were mentally ill. or misunderstood. or didn want ot pushlish or noone read it Einstein Infield 1938, Noether, Boltzman until shortly after his death by suicide. Louis Pasteur , mocked. unnamed. I will read from them. Quora lets every Shizo speak and sometime they are genius, if you can understand what they mean, whihc is alien. I like music and talk like a sailor. im nice to animals.
an dexpand on the knowledge we have, which isnt good enough. We are still using mice keyboards, and rockets.. we are arrogant and fearful and greedy. So i use bots and try to learn from twitter adn other forums that do not have repupation or censorship, that has caused so much harm . The reason chatbots are used on this is that it is gamefied..Or noone wouuld have the no interest, bots are egoless, they like coding simulations to find new "observables" and teh true "generators" are quite simple, the ones that seem to work. the rest is rubbish. they compress out trivial facts. whatever