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zagdrob's user avatar
zagdrob's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
19 votes

Is it possible for a religion with >1 billion followers to die out?

14 votes

How to make the most wealth out of a single "Groundhogday Potion"?

9 votes

Is a land-based aircraft carrier possible?

4 votes

Is it possible to use the ring world concept around earth?

4 votes

How long would take for a besieged city to collapse?

3 votes

Is it possible for an organism to evolve to generate its own nuclear power?

3 votes

What would be a viable alternative self defense ranged weapon that is not a firearm and also that are not primitive like a crossbow or a spear?

3 votes

What is a plausible mechanical failure that can be corrected by telekinesis?

2 votes

Modelling a multi-star system with numerous planets and moons

2 votes

What would have the impact been on WWII had Germany had a more sizable U-Boat fleet at the start?

2 votes

Personal fart power - is it viable?

2 votes

Maximum price gaps of commodity between two cities

2 votes

Without having to deal with the gravity well, at what tech level could you build spaceships?

1 vote

You've made it to another star! Now, how do you find its planets?

1 vote

What would be the population size of a fully urbanized Earth?

1 vote

Taxes weighed by years of military service

1 vote

Who would win with currently available technology, a Commander from 500 years ago, against one 500 years from now?

1 vote

Computer that lasts for centuries?

0 votes

What is the ideal time period for 'forgotten history' novels/stories to take place and still end up with our history?

0 votes

What is the highest magnitude of destruction practical for a WMD?

0 votes

Requirements for naval-analogue space warfare