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vulpineblazeyt's user avatar
vulpineblazeyt's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • CA, USA
5 votes

What sort of problem would drive a near omnipotent civilization to seek an "outside the box" solution?

3 votes

I'm stranded on an alien planet. How do I measure an earth year without a clock?

3 votes

Magic vs. modern technology

2 votes

How do you find a mate when everyone looks amazing?

2 votes

You are a minor character in a fictional story. How do you get to be the hero?

2 votes

Struggling god with an unworkable universe

1 vote

Fell the phylogenetic tree

1 vote

How would people adapt to a wet world?

1 vote

How would I limit magic users to only regain energy during combat?

1 vote

How to take down the internet?

1 vote

If time travel is possible in the future, no matter how distant, why haven't they come back to tell us?

0 votes

How to Convince Humans to Allow a Machine Take-Over

0 votes

Could a disaster kill all (human) life on Earth but leave astronauts in low orbit alive long enough to return?

0 votes

What could cause infertility between humans living in gravity and humans in space? How could that cause speciation?