chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
chasly - supports Monica
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
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  • UK
7 votes

How to appease the Goddess of Traffic Lights

1 vote

Harness for soft-bodied animal

-1 votes

How could a person make a concoction smooth enough to drink and inject without access to a blender? Is it possible?

0 votes

If magic is accessed through tattoos, how do I prevent everyone from having magic?

4 votes

How can a person kill a giant ape without using a weapon?

7 votes

What is the most air-tight substance an organism can produce?

2 votes

What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant?

3 votes

Knocking Out Zombies

2 votes

What genetic enhancements would maximise “luck” in humans?

0 votes

At what technological level can a mixed-gender military not be at a disadvantage to an all-male one?

3 votes

I'm a mad scientist and want to give my Frankenstein's Monster steel plating on the outside of his limbs. What considerations should I think about?

4 votes

How can I give Henry Ford's customers what they want: a faster horse?

0 votes

Leg powered propeller for boat in Punic war time

3 votes

Advantages of software-breeding over normal programming

21 votes

I'm a mad scientist and want to give my Frankenstein's Monster steel plating on the outside of his limbs. What considerations should I think about?

4 votes

How much would a slave cost in current day Europe?

2 votes

Can a canine/human hybrid balance without a tail?

-3 votes

Ways to speed up venus’ rotation without an asteroid strike

0 votes

Half man half bicycle

1 vote

Plant/mineral that could preserve fresh meat without anything other than fire?

2 votes

What sounds could these dragons make?

11 votes

Is there a most efficient number of arm-like appendages?

9 votes

Under what circumstances would a species with 2 sexes evolve into a species with 1 sex?

2 votes

After we drain the Sun and migrate, why would humanity find the Solar System important?

2 votes

Is a keratin structure that gives milk a type of horn?

0 votes

Is there a medical condition or neurological disorder that makes it so a person cannot make facial expressions?

1 vote

What would the weather be like on a infinite gentle slope?

5 votes

What would it sound like if you didn't have a mouth

0 votes

Telekenesis is ruining sport: what to do?

4 votes

How do the inhabitants of my city-wide death trap figure out that nobody will be let out until only 100 people are left alive?

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