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punkerplunk's user avatar
punkerplunk's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
11 votes

What would life be like for the common people on a libertarian planet?

3 votes

Could you claim a space station as a country?

1 vote

Could an autotrophic civilisation develop, or will evolving life forms always eat each other?

1 vote

Making people accept their new robot overlord

5 votes

Could a giant spacestation stay in orbit for 1000 years?

2 votes

Dumbbell planet - how would humans cross the bridge?

8 votes

Creating a realistic world map - Coastlines

3 votes

Can you shoot someone with a bullet... from orbit?

1 vote

The melancholy of tinkerbella

2 votes

Would wars still happen after a Rapture-like event?

2 votes

Could Mobile cities exist?

5 votes

How to best upgrade your Towel for military combat?

4 votes

What society might survive the 3 generation rule

3 votes

Where is the safest place to build a colony on the Moon?

0 votes

In a City, Are Sewers and Garbage Heaps Usually Connected?

1 vote

Evolved for war

4 votes

What are the minimum set of physical characteristics to define an Earth like planet?

0 votes

Preparation for Lycanthropic Transformation

2 votes

Why would A.I. develop superiority complex?

1 vote

I would like to know if "imaginary velocity" has serious problem

0 votes

How would Death Star move between systems?

1 vote

Project Noah: Blue Mars

0 votes

Is non-manmade pandemic a realistic threat to modern first world?

0 votes

What's to stop people from returning to the known lands?