Questions tagged [universe]

For questions concerning the universe and alternate or parallel universes.

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-1 votes
2 answers

What would it look like if space had a boundary [closed]

Space in the universe as far as we know either extends infinitely in all directions, or it is finite but one edge of the finite space is connected to the other end. Like the 2d plane on 3D torus ...
Synthia Mayhem 's user avatar
10 votes
7 answers

How would I pull off FTL travel in a universe where inter-universal travel is also widely used?

I'm trying to implement proper FTL travel in my story. I have already looked at the Alcubierre Drive, but every implementation of said drive that I've seen is too outwardly obvious for my taste. ...
viridianskyes's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How to create three new chemical elements? [closed]

I'm trying to create a universe with 3 new chemical elements. I want them to be as realistic as possible but I'm not a chemist, so I need some help. I need to create: A gold coloured element Three ...
Wonda's user avatar
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0 votes
5 answers

How can I make the lowest plane of existence in my novel relevant and important? [closed]

I am working on a lit-rpg novel where the universe is called Arcus, and it has three types of planes of existence: Imminus, Medius, and Summus. Each plane has its own characteristics, inhabitants, and ...
user84527's user avatar
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3 votes
7 answers

Why is "magic" possible in the Elidrian side of reality but not on Earth? [closed]

TL:DR: "Why is "magic" possible in the Elidrian side of reality but on our terrestrial side of the universe? " I'm creating a game and attempting to breathe life into a story that ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Is there any general word for a space between universes?

I have many imaginary worlds in my head that are all separate from each other and they exist in bubbles but plenty of worlds have enough tech and/or magic (depending on how the individual world works) ...
ProtoKirby's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How Much of the Universe Could Humanity Conquer?

Imagine that less than a million years from now, probably in the hundreds of thousands, humanity has spread throughout the galaxy. There are afew aliens here and there, but that is insignificant, they ...
skout's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How would Mathematics and Sciences had developed in a strongly non-Euclidean universe? [closed]

The geometry of our universe is, on human scale, Euclidean. This means that our everyday experience gives us a good understanding of $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $\mathbb{R}^3$, which in turn is of great help ...
rosan98's user avatar
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12 votes
12 answers

Alternate universe where life is more common; is it feasible?

Let's imagine a story where the "aliens" leave a lot of super-advanced technology somewhere in the solar system. Scientists spend years excavating this technology and while it seems too ...
Mishima's user avatar
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4 answers

Any way of having a breathable atmosphere with zero gravity in free space?(and universal directionality?)

Inspiration This is heavily inspired by sunless skies in that sunless skies' world allows for the use of steam engines as space ship- equivalent (using steam jets as thrusters, while still able to ...
Harry Mu's user avatar
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4 answers

Does this alternate Universe with easier-to-understand physics behave the same as ours?

I realize the following question is non-trivial, but I would greatly appreciate any all help. I'm interested in creating a SciFi story that takes place in an alternate universe I'm calling Universe X. ...
aepryus's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

If the laws of conservation of energy remain the same, can I change everything else? [closed]

This universe is boooring. I don't care that today's science is basically magic, and being a programmer is the equivalent of a fantasy ''rune shaman''. I want actual magic, the type of magic people ...
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-1 votes
2 answers

How would physics work in an infinite-dimensional universe? [closed]

this is my first question here. A Universe in my setting is made of at least a countably infinite-dimensional real coordinate space; and I want to know how our physics (quantum field theory/string ...
初音ミク's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What would be more realistic for a universe where FTL is possible?

I am working on my own project with applying science to Star Wars. I try to meld the fantasy with as much real science as possible, but I am having a problem with the size of the universe. I am ...
user73829's user avatar
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4 answers

Could neutron star mergers provide the necessary elements for complex life in the early universe?

I have been looking into the earliest possible time in the universe that a human-like intelligent species could evolve based on the necessary elements being present. Kepler-444 is one of the oldest ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Understanding the universe as a 3-dimensional surface

When thinking about the shape of the universe in my story I have been looking into it being a 3-manifold. As I understand it, space would be a 3-dimensional surface and for a small scale observer ...
user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How would future galactic civilizations deal with the Big Rip? Could they escape it or hide anywhere, like inside black holes? [closed]

Humans colonized all the stars in the Milky Way in the first million years. In the next 200 million years they conquered all the planets in the Local Group. In the next few billion they conquered all ...
Hanhan658's user avatar
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7 answers

How can daemonic pacts made across different realities be honored?

Our world orders the immaterial realm, a place in which daemons and otherworldly creatures reside. These separate realms have their own rules governing their realities, such as gravity, physics, and ...
Incognito's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Technological Framework that could Hasten the End of the Universe

A while ago I read what was supposedly the original plan for the ending of Mass Effect. In the world of Mass Effect, there is a specific technology that underpins essentially the entire culture and ...
Lindsay Davies-White's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Future limits detecting the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

I am working on a part of my story where a long-lived civilization is deciphering information in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). I have read that in the future as distant CMB light reaches us, ...
Alan Davies's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Reasons why a sentient universe would create life? [closed]

The basic idea I had was that the universe basically thought itself into being and from there decided to create life. It sent out the seeds for life to begin, then created a race to watch over things. ...
Micromanic's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Will a Universal Ocean Prolong the Age of Stars for Eternity?

One moment, there are as much as two trillion different universes, all of which have their own collections of galaxies. The next, 4,543,000 universes still have their galaxy collections. What ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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1 answer

Write short stories before your main story to help the worldbuilding process

Is it good worldbuilding practice to write short stories happening in your universe to set a precedent to how your world works and how the common and always unseen characters would find their way ...'s user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

What motives would an omnipotent being have for ruining a universe it created? [closed]

Background In a fantasy world I am working on, the universe was created by an omnipotent (but not omnipresent or omniscient) entity known as the Storyteller. Inside this new universe the Storyteller ...
lygre's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible for a future civilization to concentrate the galaxies (or some of them) of the universe?

In the world I describe there is not much time left before the expansion of space takes its toll. Galaxies are already accelerating away from each other on a negatively curved spacetime. The expansion ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Effect of adding a fourth kind of radioactive decay

That question did spawn from though experiments about what kind of differences one had to expect in a parallel universe. When reading in fiction about this topic, sometimes the "changed natural ...
Confused Merlin's user avatar
9 votes
11 answers

What would be some ways to balance energy/mass from a parallel universe to another when someone - or something - travels through a wormhole into it?

Conservation of energy is a "universal" law, and would be counterintuitive to have someone travelling from a universe like ours - with our physics framework - into another universe that ...
Inquirer's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Seeking good physical candidates for total collapse of the universe we live in

Bringing this question over from Physics SE where it was closed: I'm looking for an 'as close to our understanding of current physics' doomsday scenario that results from something about the physics ...
William Walker III's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Is the universe old enough to have an ecosystem of feral self-replicating spacecraft?

Is it possible that, through any plausible history of alien life, and any plausible method of propogation for a self-replicating spacecraft, that the universe, as seen from present day Earth, could be ...
Ichthys King's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Moving galaxies to prevent them from passing the cosmic light horizon

Humans have become the leader of the Virgo Cluster faction, 800 billion years in the future. Our enemy factions are, the Fornax, Centaurus, and the Coma clusters, as well as a few dozen lesser ...
WarpPrime's user avatar
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2 answers

In what sense is the physical world effectively described by mathematics?

I'm not sure whether this belongs here or in the Physics SE - please let me know if I'm mistaken! After reading Wigner's article on "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural ...
smalldog's user avatar
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2 answers

Would categorizing planes of existence be considered dumbing down or enriching when it comes to worldbuilding?

The world that I'm making draws strong influence from a multitude of religions, mythology, and folklore, and that extends to the planes from occult beliefs. These planes are the Physical Plane, Astral ...
Niobium_Sage's user avatar
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1 answer

When is the earliest that the Universe could support planets with long-lasting biospheres?

It took Earth ~ four billion years to go from molten rock to multicellular life. Let's take that as an absolute minimum requirement of time for organic life to evolve and produce sapient species (I ...
Darth Biomech's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What would happen if entropy works in reverse?

Entropy is the measure of how chaotic a system is analogous to a box containing many dices, the dices can be stacked properly together forming a cuboidal structure or scattered everywhere even outside ...
user6760's user avatar
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1 answer

In fictional world with two time dimensions could I still keep laws of thermodynamics as they are in modern physics? [closed]

There was this question about spacetime with two time dimensions here, but I wonder what could that mean particularly for thermodynamics? To be more precise, could such a universe (none of dimensions ...
Nervous Cat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What unexplained or difficult to explain phenomena in our universe could be used to power magic in a parallel universe?

In the land of the Kahvoren the Entrancement of Genud Before Repentance dance to the ancient tunes of frenzy and death. With cries splitting the sky the Kahvoren circle the Chosen, the noble born bred ...
JBH's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Octahedral universe and its benefits?

I am creating a Space opera which involves highly advanced civilizations spreading throughout the universe to build the largest empires that they can. Dense supercluster nodes are areas which the most ...
Roger Harris's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Universal Time | Time in Space seen by Intelligent Life Forms or Aliens [duplicate]

How would several intelligent life forms, aka. Aliens or Foreigners to us, who roam around space (in something I would call space ships) and have never seen or heard about earth interpret time? How ...
rphii's user avatar
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Universe without Gravity

Imagine a theoretical parallel universe that does not have and never had a gravitational force. Loose hydrogen atoms would still have formed, and in some cases might have formed H2, but would not ...
Sol's user avatar
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What are the most interesting phenomena we will have in a universe where the speed of light is very slow or much faster? [closed]

Let's say we have cloned our universe and created the Slow-Universe and the Fast-Universe. Everything is the same except that: In the Slow-Universe, the speed of light is the same as the speed of ...
riorio's user avatar
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2 answers

Additional energy / matter from parallel universes

If our universe was a zero-energy universe, what would happen if someone would transfer energy / matter or bring objects from parallel universes to our universe? What would be the consequences?
the_hegemon's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Possibility to prolong half life of unstable molecules through altered strong force constant in parallel universes?

This continues my previous multiverse-related questions. There are some particles that could be useful to the scientific industry if they did not decay so quickly, such as antimatter-matter composites,...
CYCLOPSCORE's user avatar
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How in general would molecular structures and interactions change if leptons were heavier or lighter than they should?

Continuing on with my questions regarding multiverses, I have observed in most theories that at least, the physical constants between universes would have changed. So parallel universes could have ...
CYCLOPSCORE's user avatar
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Why would the most energy efficient shape be a cube instead of a sphere?

The most energy efficient shape in our universe is a sphere. However, in another universe it is a cube. Why and how would this happen? I came across this idea while thinking about Minecraft and why ...
Jefferey Dawson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can alternate universes (under Greene's Nine Multiverses Theory) exist with different matter and physics? [closed]

So, it is clear I was not clear enough with the previous thing about "handwavium", so I will try this question again and be more frank. Although, the main subject has changed to an extent. What I was ...
CYCLOPSCORE's user avatar
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13 votes
9 answers

How would a higher-dimensional being enter a lower dimension?

So I could not get any answers for my previous question regarding what happens in a indeterministic world such as the worlds in a Cauchy Horizon of a Reissner Nördstrom Black Hole. However, I ...
CYCLOPSCORE's user avatar
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Can my advanced civilization halt the expansion of the universe?

Do the laws of physics permit any chance for a Type III civilization on the Kardashev scale to halt or even reverse the expansion of the universe, or bring the galaxies back closer together, assuming ...
Jinjinov's user avatar
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Different human-survivable universes

If humans had the ability to physically travel to a universe similar to our own, how different could its fundamental constants be and still allow humans and other terran life to survive there long-...
Monty Wild's user avatar
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When universes collide

Let us suppose that we have a system of multiverses, each universe within the multiverse existing as a higher-dimensional hyperspherical bubble within the yet higher-dimensional multiverse. There ...
Monty Wild's user avatar
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How would a Universal Coordinate system work?

We have a variety of ways of describing our location here on Earth. We can refer to a nearby landmark (eg "by the City Hall"), we can describe our location relative to an area (eg "in the South of ...
Jimmery's user avatar
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