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83 votes

How can Dwarves produce honey underground?

The dwarves can keep the bees in the caverns, but provide them with suitable exits. You have your beekeepers on the upper levels of the cities. You'll need ventilation somehow to allow for your city ...
Andon's user avatar
  • 11.6k
66 votes

Migrating Dungeon Monsters / Why do monsters not leave the dungeons?

Manna One option is to make the stronger creatures deeply dependent on magic/manna and put a source at the bottom. It seeps up through the dungeon. The deeper you go the easier powerful magic ...
Murphy's user avatar
  • 26.4k
64 votes

How can I make the supporting pillars of an underground city less obstructive?

Mirrors, greenery, sculpture and waterfalls. You can’t hide these things. The best you can do is make them more easily ignored or more pleasant to look at. Mirrors provide the illusion of space and ...
Joe Bloggs's user avatar
  • 66.4k
54 votes

Biologically sound reason why underground dwelling Drow have dark skin?

Radiotrophic melanin. Underground there is more ambient hard radiation. Radon gas is a prime example and a major source for radiation exposure in subterranean spaces. The Drow use this radiation to ...
Willk's user avatar
  • 305k
54 votes

Why don't adventurers (and monsters) suffocate in lower levels of dungeons?

Black Sun Core: If we're talking monsters and adventurers, we're talking fantasy and magic. I've always ascribed to the core radiance theory in such worlds. The core of the planet generates a ...
DWKraus's user avatar
  • 64.1k
49 votes

Could an underground civilisation deduce the size and shape of their planet?

Trivially (It's not a complex problem, and they have access to sufficient information) but not easily (they need to do some serious engineering projects to get the data.) Steps conceptually figure ...
PcMan's user avatar
  • 26.3k
44 votes

How can I make the supporting pillars of an underground city less obstructive?

Build skyscrapers around them If you can't hide, camouflage. Turn the pillars into the city's skyline by building a unique looking skyscraper around each pillar.
Halfthawed's user avatar
  • 40.4k
43 votes

How can Dwarves produce honey underground?

Use honeydew, either as intermediary or final product Aphids feed on plant matter. When they are eating plant sap, they excrete honeydew, a sugary liquid. You could reasonably make an alcoholic ...
kingledion's user avatar
  • 85.7k
43 votes

Without modern electronics, how could you determine your longitude, latitude, and altitude while lost deep underground?

Altitude (or depth) can be measured with a barometer. Latitude is doable, but tricky. Two methods come to mind, but they require staying on one spot for rather a long time to make accurate ...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
40 votes

How could a planet have zero surface caves?

Solid is a relative thing No caves in sand No caves in water No caves in magma No (permanent) caves in ice sheet No caves in soft soil No caves in peat bogs In short: No caves in anything ...
Separatrix's user avatar
  • 118k
38 votes

Cartoon vs Real Life Bores?---(Pointy vs Flat kind)

Is there a physics or engineering(which i presume) reason why we use this big flat bore instead of the pointy one? A minimum area cutting surface is best in hard rock; so disk beats cone. If ...
Catalyst's user avatar
  • 7,252
38 votes

How do dwarves defend their City-under-the-Mountain from a dragon?

From my experience with dwarf fortress, what you want to do is trap the dragon and use it as a source of FUN. Basically trap it and use it to terrorize prisoners and bad dwarfs. Lava The funnest ...
Shadowzee's user avatar
  • 15.3k
38 votes

How can I make the supporting pillars of an underground city less obstructive?

Catenary arches The catenary arch is the strongest arch. It has been used to hold up ceilings for centuries. Substitute ...
Willk's user avatar
  • 305k
36 votes

Why don't adventurers (and monsters) suffocate in lower levels of dungeons?

Sad But True... RPGs in general have long perpetrated the image of wealthy loot to be had for the taking in the world's understructure, D&D has historically been the worst of the perpetrators! ...
elemtilas's user avatar
  • 40.9k
34 votes

Cartoon vs Real Life Bores?---(Pointy vs Flat kind)

Is there a physics or engineering(which i presume) reason why we use this big flat bore instead of the pointy one? Yes. A bore is essentially a really big drill bit. As such, the shape of the bit is ...
Tim's user avatar
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34 votes

How can Dwarves produce honey underground?

Honey Mines from The Lost Honey Mines of Texas These caves are filled with millenia worth of the bee's endeavors, as far back and as far down as you dare to explore. Dwarven honey miners brave the ...
Willk's user avatar
  • 305k
34 votes

What effect do caves have on music played in them?

I once had a neighbour living on the apartment (kinda like a cave but more open) right below mine who would throw parties and play the most horrible music between midnight and 3 or 4 AM on weekends. I ...
The Square-Cube Law's user avatar
32 votes

Could an underground civilisation deduce the size and shape of their planet?

As an underground civilization, we can assume that they have an elaborate system of seismographs. It helps, after all, to know when the ceiling is about to come down on your head. With knowledge about ...
10ebbor10's user avatar
  • 421
30 votes

How do you build an underground city that "cuts through" a mountain range?

A few centuries By the middle ages, miners were quite good. They employed technology that was advanced for the time to solve major problems like flooding, ventilation, and removing spoil. If you're ...
Andrew Brēza's user avatar
30 votes

A huge asteroid is going to hit. How many people can the world put into (mostly) self-sufficient homes in 6 months time?

Food is a (the?) major limitation In six months there needs to be 5-10 years worth of long-life food put aside. Let's take the low figure of 5 years as a less impossible target. Assuming that there ...
KerrAvon2055's user avatar
  • 29.1k
27 votes

Without modern electronics, how could you determine your longitude, latitude, and altitude while lost deep underground?

People on the surface or at established underground settlements could set up "thumpers" which are massive weights that are raised and then dropped great heights according to a predetermined time ...
Dragongeek's user avatar
  • 23.8k
26 votes

What could cause a city to be buried underground but still remain relatively intact?

Have you heard of Pompeii? Pompeii was covered by volcanic ashes. It was covered so well in the ash, that not only the town was left almost completely intact, but also people were covered by it and ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 16.9k
25 votes

Migrating Dungeon Monsters / Why do monsters not leave the dungeons?

First, just as executives tend to seek out the top floors of a building the the most powerful of entities likewise seem to gravitate to the lower, less accessible regions of a dungeon. Perhaps they ...
Brent E's user avatar
  • 361
23 votes

How do you build an underground city that "cuts through" a mountain range?

Base it on a qanat. Qanats are deep tunnels bored into mountains to convey water down to dry lowlands. They are built using ancient Persian tech which impressed the Romans when they showed up. 14th ...
Willk's user avatar
  • 305k
23 votes

How deep underground could a city plausably be?

I was going to do this as comments, but there's enough here to warrant its own answer. No more than 12 km. At this point, the rock becomes plastic, with the other rock around it squeezing into the ...
Robert Rapplean's user avatar
23 votes

Is it possible for an artesian basin to go underneath a shallow sea while still being freswater?

In support of what you're looking for... On a clear September day in 2015, after 10 years of working to get funding, my colleague Kerry Key and I stepped aboard the R/V Langseth, a research ship ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 128k
22 votes

Surface is 500F (260 C), but we have thorium reactors, diggers and heat pumps so human life continues underground. Possible? Or slow-roast?

There is no reason not to live above-ground in well-insulated and cooled buildings. As far as the infrastructure goes, that's clearly much simpler. The reason it's not crazy is that the effect of ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
22 votes

How would an underground society measure time?

Water clocks The most natural way to develop a measurement of time is by a natural phenomenon that divides the passing of non-quantized time1 into quantized time. As someone who has spent a fair ...
Daniel B's user avatar
  • 20.2k
22 votes

Is it possible with modern-day technology to expand an already built bunker further below without the risk of collapsing the entire bunker?

People expand downwards all the time People build tunnels out of prisons, expand mines downwards, build deeper basements. You can dig down and reinforce the tunnels. So long as the tunnels are ...
Nepene Nep's user avatar
  • 41.6k
21 votes

How can Dwarves produce honey underground?

I would like to suggest a fourth possibility in addition to the three in the original question, that the Dwarves are advanced technologically enough to have artificial lighting. Some people may think ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar

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