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5 votes

If directly exposed to the vacuum of space, what would be the effects on a womans reproductive system?

Consider that there is a fetish where some people expose parts of their body to vacuum in order to cause engorgement... and that some of these people are women, who apply that vacuum to their vulva. ...
Monty Wild's user avatar
  • 65.3k
14 votes

If directly exposed to the vacuum of space, what would be the effects on a womans reproductive system?

Normally, the vagina is a potential cavity, that is, the walls are normally collapsed and there is no air space. It opens and becomes a real cavity if something is inserted into it from either end. (...
AlexP's user avatar
  • 94.7k
1 vote

Can the establishment of a space colony crater land in a healthy economy?

The settlement of the New World was not an easy thing to do. A number of attempted colonies failed. Many Europeans who came to the Americas died within a year. The cost of getting people to the New ...
David R's user avatar
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Can the establishment of a space colony crater land in a healthy economy?

I think the obvious answer is in population decline. The Space Colonization not only siphoned away the young and the ambitious, but also skyrocketed the automation of every service and industry. Thus, ...
Going Durden's user avatar
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1 vote

Can the establishment of a space colony crater land in a healthy economy?

Convoluted Property abandonment law So, if I understand your question correctly - you are asking if it is feasible for a a city with a main primary source of revenue (A Port in this case) to remain ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
  • 33.1k
1 vote

Can the establishment of a space colony crater land in a healthy economy?

My original (and more likely) answer is below. Here is the world building one: Your city is still a port city due to its location, but because of its existing infrastructure it was also a good ...
JustAnotherUser's user avatar
8 votes

Can the establishment of a space colony crater land in a healthy economy?

city whose economy is booming, and hasn't had an economic crisis in living memory it has crashed property prices due to excess supply of free land on other planets. It will be hard to concile these ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
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Can the establishment of a space colony crater land in a healthy economy?

Yeah, that makes sense if the details are right. Prices can be kept artificially high by landlords and government for a while, but not indefinitely. Eventually they will crash if no one wants to live ...
Kilisi's user avatar
  • 27.4k
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How do I find the correct planetary spacing for my red dwarf system?

I can't really comment on the details in the rest of the system but can give you some notes: The star, as a K6.7V should be ~0.675 M☉, 0.585 M☉ is down in the brown dwarf range. Based on the mass ...
Ash's user avatar
  • 49.3k
1 vote

Possible historical points of divergence for a true in-space economy by 2030-40s?

As other answers have explored history, I will take a more science fiction approach. A preventable asteroid impact detected years in advance. Suppose the deep field antennas are up and we see a rock ...
JustAnotherUser's user avatar
8 votes

Possible historical points of divergence for a true in-space economy by 2030-40s?

I fully agree with @Dragongeek that the only way to keep the flame burning and the rockets flying is to keep the Soviet Union alive and well. Go upvote @Dragongeek's answer, as I have done. What I ...
AlexP's user avatar
  • 94.7k
9 votes

Possible historical points of divergence for a true in-space economy by 2030-40s?

What are possible divergences in history that can lead to an accelerated progress of Earth's nations having an in-space economy? Personally, I think we are already on quite a fast track. While many ...
Dragongeek's user avatar
  • 23.8k
0 votes

How would you slow the speed of a rogue solar system?

Use a Bussard ramjet. The Bussard ramjet has a huge magnetic scoop to collect interstellar matter. In the original proposal, this was used to drive a fusion engine. The scoop will effectively act as a ...
Richard Kirk's user avatar
  • 11.9k
6 votes

How would you slow the speed of a rogue solar system?

Build a Shkadov_thruster. The most basic version of which is simply a huge mirror that has it's reflectance tuned so that the outward light pressure on it matches the inward tug of gravity from the ...
Ash's user avatar
  • 49.3k
8 votes

How would you slow the speed of a rogue solar system?

Stellar Tug This is a real idea. You park a massive engine - not in orbit - on the side of the star you want to accelerate towards. Then you aim it so the exhaust just misses the star, and turn it on, ...
ltmauve's user avatar
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3 votes

How would you slow the speed of a rogue solar system?

Real Physics part: Yes, you can do slingshots in both modes to either accelerate or decelerate (with or without "curving" of the final trajectory). With that out of the way, now to the fun ...
Antares's user avatar
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Can a 15km, rapidly-spining asteroid go undiscovered until the asteroid belt is being actively explored?

If the inclination is such that it is nearly 90 degrees to the ecliptic, it will only cross the area where people are looking for asteroids once every couple years. Even if noticed, it might be ...
Christopher James Huff's user avatar
2 votes

What unique phenomena would be observed in a system around a hypervelocity star?

The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are already on collision course at a speed of a similar magnitude to hyper velocity stars. So the hyper velocity star would arrive at Andromeda a lot sooner than ...
Slarty's user avatar
  • 38.3k
3 votes

What unique phenomena would be observed in a system around a hypervelocity star?

What a wonderful and weird question. The first thing to consider is how fast the earth is already moving. We calculate that the solar system is rotating around the galactic core at 700,000 km/h. ...
JustAnotherUser's user avatar
23 votes

What unique phenomena would be observed in a system around a hypervelocity star?

Hypervelocity stars are created through close gravitational encounters with other bodies, which are likely to strip away planets, especially those particularly far from the star. You have declared ...
parasoup's user avatar
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13 votes

Feasibility of unpressurized space farms containing vacuum-adapted plants

Very far-fetched. The main challenge of placing living beings in space is pressure containment. Zero pressure outside means that everything will evaporate, sublimate, or find some way, any way, to ...
Therac's user avatar
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How long would it take for an Earth-like planet to become uninhabitable if another sun suddenly appeared?

Not Long It currently takes ~7 minutes for infrared radiation - the primary heat agent from the sun - to reach us. If you added a second sun, within 7 minutes the planet would be bathed in twice as ...
GrinningX's user avatar
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1 vote

Why would spaceships still practice venting precious air?

Late answer but I didn't see anyone else mention this. Gas expands, and when gas expands in an enclosed space (balloons, pressure cookers, space ships) that space becomes pressurised. You might want ...
Bill CipherPD's user avatar

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