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How would Earth's plants change in this speculated Earth-like planet?

The most likely outcome would be that the hardiest, oldest, and simplest of plants would dominate the environment and push away their less robust competition, until it is all dead and converted to ...
Going Durden's user avatar
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How would Earth's plants change in this speculated Earth-like planet?

It is likely that without assistance many species would get wiped out. The basic idea is that every time a plant gives off seeds they change slightly. Some plants may take hundreds of years to ...
cybernard's user avatar
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4 votes

How would Earth's plants change in this speculated Earth-like planet?

Against the multiple suns, longer days and longer seasons, the plants adapt to these extremes. How would they do that? Firstly survival of the fittest. Species that couldn't cope would be wiped out ...
Slarty's user avatar
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8 votes

How would Earth's plants change in this speculated Earth-like planet?

A few evergreens may survive There are three major problems with dropping Earth plants into this alien ground: Ground-up rock is not soil. There needs to be a whole microbiological ecosystem to make ...
KerrAvon2055's user avatar
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10 votes

How would Earth's plants change in this speculated Earth-like planet?

Against the multiple suns, longer days and longer seasons, the plants adapt to these extremes. How would they do that? as far as evolutionarily speaking, I'm limiting to the first few generations of ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
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