**To make Paris a city of ruins will not affect the issue.** - Phillipe Petain. In World War 2, the French surrendered Paris to the approaching Germans without a fight. Fighting seemed pointless, and would destroy their beautiful city. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/weekly-standard/surrender-vs-collaboration > As a last resort, Churchill proposed defending Paris, so that it > would absorb German troops trying to subdue the city. According to > Churchill's secretary, "The French perceptibly froze at this." Pétain > replied, "To make Paris a city of ruins will not affect the issue." > Continuing to resist the Germans, Pétain said, would mean "the > destruction of the country." And so, to avoid destroying France, > Pétain surrendered it. It is easy to understand that viewpoint. Defeat seemed inevitable. And today Paris is still really nice. Your approach is the same. You are the Germans in this scenario. Approach with overwhelming force. The occupants of the cylinder should understand that you are willing to destroy the cylinder from space, with all of its inhabitants, because you have done that before. They should understand that if they surrender they will not be massacred. Make clear that you, like them, value the historic cylinder but that you are going to take it. Make clear that by capitualating without a fight, the current rulers will be allowed to leave in peace and a Vichy-style government by locals will take control, with final jurisdiction of course with your conquering forces. Perhaps less exciting than beloinclothed warriors wrestling each other street to street, but more practical. I am sure there is some way to incorporate the wrestling for the movie version.