The problem with a spherical shape is that is minimizes the surface for a given volume, and to capture sunlight you need a lot of surface. That is even more true in a place like Antarctica, where even when you have 24 hours of light, it is always grazing and therefore with a low intensity, as opposite in hot deserts, where spheroidal plants do no suffer the relatively low light capturing area because light comes at a dime a dozen. To build enough reserves to allow surviving the long polar night the plant would need a lot of surface. On top of that, the plant would also need liquid water: keeping yourself warm in one thing, melting the snow is another. And water is known for needed a hella lot of heat to change phase. And that's again energy that the plant has to capture from sunlight. Even if you have only the trunk to be a sphere, each leaf and branch will act as a fin, dispersing precious heat in an already freezing cold climate.