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You have a huge problem, there would be no incentive for animals to move on to land. Plants moved to land because they could survive there and animals followed them to eat them. But life around these vents is limited to the vicinity of the vents and everything basically feeds off bacteria that are nourished by the vented chemicals rather than sunlight. Without this bacteria, nothing survives near vents.

Your other major problem is that these are enclosed pools, eventually they will heat up because there is no other place for the heat to go and you'll end up trying to have life living in boiling water and an atmosphere of incredible pressure due to steam trying to expand. I don't think it's going to be stable enough to develop an ecosystem that would support evolving intelligent humanoids.

Another thing is these vents are adding to the volume of the pool constantly, depending on output this would add up. But since evolution as far as we know takes a lonnnng time, a fraction of a percent of added volume would soon add up, so your land area around the pool would might be flooded long before anything evolved, then whatever evolved might be confined to underwater activity if/when the pool meets the ceiling.

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