Many far-fetched things you try to come up with, nature did it first. They already exist macroscopic unicellular algae, although not so big, they are spectacularly big. Just have a look at [these]( [two]( As you can see from the links, they are very different from each other (in fact, one of them is mononuclear). ### [Valonia Ventricosa]( This would be the easiest approach. Searching for differences between it and other more common, microscopic unicellular beings, I found out that thay are almost identical. So just: - Make it bigger. - Multiply the cell components, simply put more of them. And that would be pretty much it. According to the description in the question, I think **this is the approach you were looking for**. Just a big unicellular [blob]( *(Warning! TV Tropes link)*. ### [Acetabularia]( This other approach is more complex. In fact, even if it is unicellular and mononuclear, it behaves more like a plant, with a plant-like stalk and root-like rhizoid. With the difference that it has a very big nucleum in the base. --------------------- Another one thanks to [Nathaniel]( ### [Xenophyophore]( There is this other one which looks more like a sponge. It lives at the sea bottom, just like the other two, but in deeper waters. It feeds like the amoebas. From the wikipedia link: >These giant protozoans seem to feed in a manner similar to amoebas, enveloping food items with a foot-like structure called a pseudopodium.