So this is something I came up with in chat a while back and mostly just want to show off: [![enter image description here][1]][1] The months are named for the children of Mars. The sols (Martian days) of the week are names of Mars in different languages. A week is 6 sols long. Because of the 30 sol months and six sol weeks, the first of the month is always Simudsol and the 30th is always Nirgalsol, which is nice because when someone says that you're appointment is on the 15th, you know automatically what sol of the week that is without having to ask. The one oddity is the month of Ares, which is 8 sols long, doesn't use names for the sols, and is the equivelant of Christmas and Thanksgiving combined with New Years, with a bit of "yay we aren't on Earth any more" 4th of July thrown in. Basically an 8 sol party. I'd try to time landfall so that it's on a solstice or equinox, just to start the year off right. [1]: