So, I am designing a story that is set in the ~15th century with creatures that can create fire at will ([Role of anthropomorphic foxes in a medieval army]( Now one of these creatures is having a problem with the local authorities and it basically escalades into a food fight, where it’s possible to use magic to set the food on fire, but not to use the magic directly against the enemies. „Why?“ you ask? Anti-magic-armour!

**What would be the most effective „weapon“ against medieval guards, if „weapon“ is defined as „food available at a ~15th century banquet in the castle of a rich king“, when considering the ability to set the food on fire at will?**

I was inspired by other questions asking about [creative weapons]( and [RWBY]( 

Here are the rules:

-	The character can set any food on fire whenever he wants to
-	The fire burns with ~1.500°C (can be adjusted if needed)
-	Up to three flames at a time
-	There is no time-limit on how long a single flame can exist
-	The character is in a big castle with [plenty of space]( but the only exit is blocked by a total of 3 [guards](
-	The owner of the castle is rich and wanted to impress a lot of women with the banquet, which means any „weapon“ you need is available
-	You are (similar to) an athletic human with heightened senses (hearing, seeing, …)
-	**The goal is to cripple or kill the 3 guards as fast as possible, so that the character can run away**

I was thinking about something along the lines of throwing big chunks of meat around and melting them mid-air to let hot fat rain down on the soldiers and into their eyes, but I have no idea if this is feasible, how much damage this could do and what other "weapons" I could use.

**And remember kids: Don’t try this at home!**