Diplomacy: Befriend a level 3 or 4 civilization. If you get a level 3 civilization have them find a level 4. The level 4 people open a wormhole and bing, bang, boom you're there.
Your only real hope is to open a wormhole directly in the planet's orbit and connect it to the destination somehow. Anything else would take insanely long.
Any towing beyond moving 1 orbit to another around the same star would likely kill the inhabitants, because as soon as you leave the habitable zone of the local star your planet will freeze. You would need fast transport to avoid your planet freezing, even if your planet has a molten core that will only last so long in the cold of space. Even if you do make it, your core is frozen and will take 100's of years to reheat if not more.
Additionally, if the planet has a lot of water, massive earth quakes will occur as the water freezes in its, potentially, long journey to another solar system.
You would have to harvest the energy the local sun to open the wormhole as the current theories say it requires vast amounts of energy.
Otherwise a series of star trek like transports and relay stations to get it to the destination.
A tractor beam, but it would require insane energy and the ship pulling even more. Then you would also have to tractor a part of the sun so your planet didn't freeze to death on the way. Assuming you could harness the hydrogen/helium directly energy might not be a problem. The problem is the bigger the chunk you need the more mass, the bigger it needs to be.