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Ideal weapons and combat gear for prehensile feet

What weapons and combat gear would suit a race of creatures with prehensile hands and feet?

I'm designing a high fantasy warrior who comes from a bipedal race of creatures with prehensile hands and feet, and I am debating what kind of weapons his kind would wield. What weapons would or could they wield with their feet? What would be most ideal for this anatomy? What kind of scabbards or other accessories would they need for them, and where would they wear them?

For context, I added the following descriptions about the character and his kind.


In addition to having long strong arms and legs, the character's race use their long tails and prehensile feet to balance themselves on thick branches and leap from tree to tree. Their feet are similar in anatomy to that of a macaque except they have digitigrade legs and do not walk on their heels.


The character's race are tree dwellers that come from a dense jungle world whose trees grow enormously tall, partially due to the planet having about 70% to 80% of Earth's gravity. They have a largely non-industrialized society based on kinship that values harmony with nature.

Historically, they used weapons for hunting, defending themselves from apex predators that can climb or fly, and armed conflicts with rivaling tribes or clans.

On their home planet, they lived and fought almost exclusively in the trees. They instinctively prefer having a height advantage so much that they don't feel safe sleeping on a human bed unless it's suspended off the ground. When visiting a human dwelling, they tend to walk on furniture and avoid touching the floor when possible.


Technology is comparable to that of the early Renaissance.

I strongly considered the idea of the character wielding three melee weapons or a double-bladed polearm, but I'm unsure of the practicality of it and what melee weapons would work best. I could possibly take limited firearms into consideration, but they would definitely not be standard issue.

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