When the android can't prioritize anything above their main task, then it does not matter that they are theoretically able to engage in social activities. They wouldn't be allowed to, because doing so would divert resources from their main task.
Every microsecond spent on social interaction is a microsecond not spent to perform their task. Every CPU cycle used to ponder social relationships is a cycle not used on pondering how to acquire more matter and energy. An individual which only has one single purpose in life and does not care about anything else does not have much of a personality.
The androids are also at risk of becoming paperclip maximizers: AI's which are so focused on performing their primary function that they ignore any moral and ethical restrictions and even start to act against the underlying purpose for which they were given that function in the first place. Like turning potential colony candidates or even the colonists into matter and energy.
A common countermeasure is to make the first priority of every AI to protect humans and make any other priorities secondary. But this can also have unintended side-effects, like AIs imprisoning humans to "protect them from themselves".
Another option to create more balanced AI characters is to program them not with ranked priorities but with weighted priorities, and make their directive to balance out their efforts on all these priorities according to their respective weights. Such priorities can be:
- Fulfill the mission
- Self-preservation
- Protect humans from harm
- Maintain good social relationships with the humans around them
When any of these priorities conflict, then the AI would attempt to find the solution which maximizes all these priorities according to their respective weights. Just like a human would.