Most people by now have experienced that USB flat connectors are quantum devices.
That is, it takes three times in order for the plug and socket to be defined (decohered?).
You have to try to plug it in one way, then reverse it, and then return it to the first position before it plugs in. It does not matter which way you try to plug it in the first time. It follows the uncertainty principle, being in two states at the same tine (both states the wrong state) until it is observed by the port, then the port is defined, and it is ALWAYS the opposite configuration of the second 'try'.
in a galaxy far, far away, there is a purely quantum world, where EVERYTHING is superpositioned. That is, the quantum world is the size of the solar system. Intelligent life has evolved, such that they have need to connect two devices by way of a cable, for security purposes. Quantum entanglement is SOOOOO prone to hacking, only direct connections using photon transmission through an enclosed cable are secure.
I am thinking in terms of the double slit experiment, wherein a photon that is not observed follows a probability wave trajectory and demonstrates an interference pattern, but a photon that has been observed before it goes through the slit does not demonstrate the quantum wave probability interference pattern (Decoherence before vs after the slit).
If the plug and the socket of the port were both quantum 'superposition units', what would be the implications of trying to plug the connector into the port? What would the USB port 'look like'? Consider such things as: when would decoherence occur? Could it be done the first time (i.e. it was observed before it 'entered the slot'), or would it take multiple times to insert it? And could the connector be an 'any way works' connector?